Other accounts describe the Daedric Princes as those et'Ada who, when Lorkhan proposed the creation of Nirn, outright refused to take part. Since these beings were considered " Anuic" beings in the same myth, it would mean that Meridia was formed of the blood of Anu instead of Padomay, despite being classified as a Daedric Prince. This is contradicted by the fact that Meridia, a Daedric Prince, was once Merid-Nunda, one of the Magna Ge (including Magnus) that withdrew from the world as it was being created. In many cultures, Daedra are considered to be " Padomaic" beings, as described in The Annotated Anuad, which claims that the Daedra were formed of the blood of Padomay, prior to the creation of Nirn. Several different religions and cultures explain the Daedra and their Princes in different ways, making the distinction difficult to properly define, especially due to certain Daedra discrediting some explanations.

The term "Daedra" can be used for both plural and singular forms, although the latter is more correctly "Daedroth," not to be confused with the species of lesser Daedra that go by the same name.

Its literal translation is "not our ancestors," as opposed to Aedra - "our ancestors." This harks back to their refusal to take part in the creation of Mundus, and as a result are not part of the Ehlnofey, the ancestors of men and mer.