Dragon ball z aura
Dragon ball z aura

dragon ball z aura

This was seen as a reckless move for Goku who was betting it all on his son, and speaks to that intense sense of competition that Saiyans have when it comes to combat. The Senzu Bean card depicts a controversial moment from the Cell Games when Goku provided Cell with a Senzu Bean in order to ensure he fights Gohan in top form.

dragon ball z aura

The Senzu Bean card, coded BT1-053 was from the very first Dragon Ball Super Card Game set ever released, Galactic Battle, and will also be of Common rarity in Mythic Booster. First up, we have "Vegito, Super Warrior Reborn" and "Senzu Bean." Vegito was originally a promo card, coded P-065 and will be of Common rarity in Mythic Booster.

Dragon ball z aura