I was wondering what you guys think, do you think that if we were to see Imperial forces again in future DLC, they should appear a bit more positive rather than what we saw up until this point? Or do you think it should remain as it is now? I'd personally really like actually being able to work with Imperial forces to do good for Tamriel rather than seeing them mistreat whoever they come across. What happened? I know the Tharns are pretty insane in regards to Imperial power, but did the Empire really have to be this all-evil entity in ESO? Only a handful of Imperials we see ingame stick true to the Imperial worldview that has been established a civilized people aimed at prosperity and peace. 99% of its forces are openly hostile, commiting war crimes, or doing something else totally going against Imperial values. So, as most of us know, the Empire we see in ESO is trashy, at best.